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Why magnetic bracelets do nothing for arthritis pain

Posted by / November 4, 2009


According to a new study, wearing a magnetic bracelet won’t help you fight arthritis pain—so stop saving up for that Q-Ray bracelet at the As Seen On TV store.

For the study, fourty-five arthritis sufferers (ages fifty or older) wore four different wrist devices—from magnetized bracelets, to copper ones, to demagnetized wrist straps. In sixteen weeks, researchers detected no significant difference between the devices in terms of their ability to reduce pain, ease stiffness, or improve physical function. Past studies do, however, show that acupuncture, yoga, and glucosamine supplements can help manage the condition.

As for those people who swear by these bracelets—my guess is that when you really believe something works, you trick yourself into feeling positive results. And if that works for you, hey, that’s great too.

Learn more about why wearing a magnetic bracelet won’t help you fight arthritis pain.

More on alternative medicine.

By Catherine Faas.

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  • Wellescent Health Blog

    Its good to have evidence based science tackling many of the belief systems that promote the use of such useless products. In effect, the only benefit that people might experience is the placebo effect in thinking that they are using something that is helping them. While the effect is powerful, it is not something for which people should be seeking products that are providing no value of their own.