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Historic kitchens compared to modern kitchens

Posted by / June 21, 2018

Reading a history book can teach you a lot, but there’s nothing quite like living through history to understand it. No, this isn’t a bad intro to an episode of Rick and Morty, it’s an installment of Townsends, a historical reenactment channel (hear is out! Don’t click away just yet) that focuses on food. In this episode, he describes the differences between historical and modern kitchens. Besides the obvious––lack of a refrigerator, etc.––there are a lot of interesting things separating these kitchens. For example, in historic kitchens smoke was a real problem, since you were always coking over a wood or charcoal fire. That meant that not only would your house reek of smoke, but also would make the food taste of smoke.

Full story at YouTube.

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